
上海沪展暖通设备有限公司从事中央空调末端产品配套迄今已⼗五余载,是⼀ 家集开发、⽣产、营销、安装于⼀体的制造企业。公司依靠先进的技术设备,科学 的管理⽅法,逐渐建⽴、健全了企业内部的各项管理制度。实⾏了设计、⽣产、销 售并⾏的现代经营模式,为客⼾提供⾼质量的产品和优质的售后服务,产销售 量现稳居同⾏业前列,销售⽹络遍布全国,北京、南京、西安、⼤连、重庆、武汉、 ⼴州、杭州、温州等城市均有销售。
Shanghai Huzhan HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd. has been engaged in the matching of central air conditioning end products for more than five years, and is A manufacturing enterprise that integrates development, production, marketing, and installation. The company relies on advanced technological equipment and scientific methods The management method has gradually established and improved various internal management systems of the enterprise. Implemented design, production, and sales The modern business model of sales and merger provides customers with high-quality products and high-quality after-sales service, production and sales Our sales network covers the whole country, including Beijing, Nanjing, Xi'an, Dalian, Chongqing, Wuhan, etc Sales are available in cities such as Quanzhou, Hangzhou, and Wenzhou.
In 2005, we established the "Platinum Land BOLAND" brand and specialize in customizing personalized air conditioning decorative arts and related products Innovation, research and development, and service of products are integrated into the body, with meeting customer needs as the core, integrating art into daily life, adding beauty to vision, and enhancing human factor design to beauty.